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Tuesday, July 18, 2006 

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.”

Charles H Duell, Commissioner, U.S Office of Patents, 1899.

A few weeks ago (14/06/06) there was a Haze fancy dress social to celebrate the end of the year, and for a few of us, the end of our time at Loughborough University. The theme was to dress up as something you wanted to be when you were young. Well, other than wanting to be a pirate and a Viking I wanted to be an Inventor. Here is a photo of me dressed up:

Inventor Costume

I love inventors, inventions and inventing. Here are some of my favourite inventor facts:

  • The can opener wasn’t invented until 50 years after the invention of the can.
  • Cats Eyes (invented by Percy Shaw) were inspired by cats eyes.
  • Velcro (invented by George de Mistral) is a combination of two French words; Velvet and Crochet.
Please leave your own favourite/interesting inventor facts... :)


My favourite invention is the SANDWICH!
According to a randomly chosen website, it was invented by the fourth Earl of Sandwich in 1765.
I like sandwiches.

Apparently we put a man on the moon before we put wheels on a suitcase!

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