Friday, September 29, 2006 

A myth, an exaggeration, a theory and a bran flake.

The other day I must have seen about a million insects. For some strange reason there were swarms of "Daddy Longlegs" - the world's most poisonous animal! However, its mouth is too small to bite us (phew).

I also saw a slug the size of Jabba the Hutt, a millipede, woodlice, a beetle, and some moths.

And then I thought how moths are basically just bits of cork with bran flakes for wings.


A Moth... | Bran Flakes and Cork...

Q: Do we need 'em?

Monday, September 25, 2006 

No More Nails

The other day my toe nail fell off - it was gruesome in a very cool way! See the pictures below:

Big ToeToe Nail

P.S. This wasn't a sudden occurrence and I haven't got the plague or leprosy or anything. The toe nail had been damaged by wearing rubbish football boots and was black for ages :S

Saturday, September 09, 2006 

Paul picked a pick of Peppers...

Red and yellow Corno di Torro peppers to be precise. I grew the peppers in the front porch of the house, where it is sunny and warm. They're sweet and pointy, and very nice in sandwiches :)


Thursday, September 07, 2006 

The Blogspot Review

Sixteen weeks in and time for a slight change in style. Gone are the Channel 5 shock factor tactics ("Worlds Fastest Blogspot Makeover Nightmares - Live!") and in with a much more sophisticated BBC2 approach (simply, "Blogspot"). Perhaps in another sixteen weeks the blog will expose a controversial, Channel 4 style, sideways look at blogging?

So what has happened so far? Probably best to do a few stats...
Figure 1
As shown in Figure 1, most of the posts have been regarding horticulture, a trend set to continue, so keep an eye out for posts about my pepper plants and their crop. I also post 20% of the time about Ultimate Frisbee. In November I am off to the World Ultimate Club Championships held in Perth, so expect more about that too :)

However to spice things up a bit, anticipate some posts about t-shirts, noises, and obelisks!
Figure 2
As shown in Figure 2, the number of posts seems to be proportional to the inverse of my activity, which has been rather erratic. Apparently it is a good idea to have a regular posting schedule, so that people know when to check back on the blog. Might give this a go...

So there you go, a quick review of what has happened so far, and some tantalising glimpses of what is yet to come! Please let me know what you think of the new look :P

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 

Wedding Bells

Been to a couple of weddings lately, congratulations to:

Rachel and Dave Clare
Pete and Sarah Conway

Weddings are good fun, you can have tasty food and a bit of a dance. But the learning doesn't stop! Here is some wedding trivia:
  • In olden times the first kiss between bride and groom was originally sex in front of half the village. (Karl Pilkington, The Ricky Gervais Show)
  • If the groom fails to appear at the wedding it is the best man's duty to marry the bride.
  • Peas are thrown at Czech newlyweds instead of rice.
I also found out that my Nan is 70% water, 20% old and crazy, 10% cake.