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Monday, May 14, 2007 

Neighbourhood Weird Watch 4

Name: Trevor (real name unknown)
Location: Trafalgar Square, Saturday 12th May 2007, 3pm.
Description: An unholy hybrid between horse and man like something out of The Wicker Man.

Just a regular crowd of people...

  • Skill - 4/5 (Fun horse antics and interaction with the crowd)
  • Style - 3/5 (For attention to detail on the head, and a cape)
  • Danger - 0/5 (Mischief was the name of the game for this chap!)
  • Context - 2.5/5 (It's a man in a horse costume, although this is a Morris Dancing tradition...)
  • Overall - 2.375/5
On a rainy Trafalgar Square was the annual Day of Dance held by the Westminster Morris Men. I got chatting to one of the dancers and it turned out he was from Ormskirk, which is where I grew up! I feel the heavy hand of destiny upon me, perhaps I should become a Morris Man myself... but what job would I have? After some research I have narrowed it down to these three;
  • The Ragman, who looks after the costumes.
  • The Musicians, who make the noises on squeezeboxes.
  • The Hobby Horse, who entertains the crowd and collects money, which he then gives to the bagman.
Apparently there isn't a minimum age limit, but when I'm older I reckon I might give it a go. I love the eccentricity of Morris Dancers and the odd traditions that they have, especially this one called Red Leicester :P

So the moral of the story goes, Morris dancing isn't actually that weird, because if its tradition you get away with it.

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