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Saturday, April 21, 2007 

Neighbourhood Weird Watch 3

Name: Bjorn (real name unknown)
Location: Westminster Bridge, Saturday 21st April 2007, 3.15pm.
Description: A bloke standing on Westminster Bridge shouting "The Thames should be blue not brown!"

  • Skill - 1/5 (He just about managed to write a sign)
  • Style - 3/5 (Interesting facial hair)
  • Danger - -1/5 (He looks in danger of getting a punch)
  • Context - 4/5 (This is a pretty absurd way to spend a lovely Saturday afternoon)
  • Overall - 1.75/5
Not sure who he thought should actually dye the Thames blue or how, but he kind of has a point... or not. Oh I dunno - he's just a weird!

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