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Monday, April 09, 2007 

Paganello 6: Slow start, late finish. (Sunday)

It was a slow start with a sore head on Sunday morning against local rivals Flyght Club. As most of their players were drunk we won easily 14 - 6. This set us up with our biggest match of the tournament, against Ischte Bros, our last chance to get into the top 24 and play for 17th. Unfortunately though we didn't really seem to "arrive" for the match and subsequently lost the game. Ah well, all was not lost - we still had 25th to play for (our original seeding) and we certainly didn't want to fall short of that.

We faced another UK team Milf, won 12 - 6, and then defeated Team 42 in sudden death 11 - 10. We finished our last game at about 8 pm, warmed down, got food, and fell into bed around 12ish.

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