Saturday, January 06, 2007 

Twelfth Night

Traditionally, some people believe that it is bad luck to leave the Christmas decorations up past twelfth night (5th/6th January). I think it was bad luck to put this decoration up in the first place:

Christmas Traffic Light Sculpture Christmas Traffic Light Sculpture

Friday, January 05, 2007 

The Blogspot Review II

A further sixteen weeks have passed, so it's time for another review.

I am still yet make those posts about T-shirts, noises and obelisk. Maybe they will come up. Or maybe I should stop making rash promises... Also, I haven't exposed anything particularly controversial in a Channel 4 way, until now! The other day I saw schoolies wearing hoodies as part of their uniform! Dun Dun durrrr!
Being a toolie (Australian for Too Old for Schoolie) I guess I don't understand.

Fast Fact: 54.16% of my blog posts contain pictures!

I think this trend is set to continue, especially as I have a whizzy new camera phone. This will be very helpful for an all-new feature called "Weird Watch!" containing little bits and stories about the odd things I see about London, and hopefully some pics too. The first story is astonishing, so keep a wary eye open for that. I'm also going to post more pictures onto my Flickr gallery, a preview of which is shown in the side bar just there -->

Another cutting edge feature of the blog worth pointing out is the RSS feed, which beams the latest posts by satellite straight to your news reader, how helpful is that? BUT you would miss out on seeing the classic blog stylings (which are here to stay! - thank you for the lovely comments about the banner at the top).

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 

Day-Glo is the new black

Sometimes as part of my new job I will have to venture into dangerous territory such as live railways! It pays to be well protected, so I have been provided with some awesome safety equipment:

Tube Lines CoatTube Lines Helmet

Behold the day-glo power of the Coat of Track-side Awareness! Be amazed at the built in ear defenders and visor of the Shining White Helmet of Skull Protection! Ooooo!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 

Watch out they're here indeed!

Happy New Year everyone! Get everything you wished for at Christmas?

Well no time to reminisce, stop living in the past, losers! It's Easter already:

Creme Egg Poster

Jesus Christ: He's not even cold...