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Thursday, April 05, 2007 

Paganello 2: Snacky, Nookie, Timmy (Wednesday)

So I avoided the drizzle on Wednesday morning in the amusment arcade, franticlly writing a blog-post and watching the guys play a surreal game involving bongos and ghosts. Tom managed to win enough tokens for a pack of cards.

As suspected, we ended up visiting the bar we had been to the day before, and along the way we picked up some other frisbee players (Bob, Gash and Felix). The free snacks this time had soft cheese and garlic bread thrown into the mix. Then, whilst sitting in the bar playing cards, we were entertained by the very talented Italian version of David Blaine :P He amazed us with his horrendously bad magic tricks and somewhat slow slight of hand, and was amazed himself when Maggers figured out how he had performed the tricks.

After this we needed more substantial food. I had Gnochi (pronouced nookie) in what turned out to be a gay bar :S Wasn't expecting that.

Later on me and Maggers found our hotel, had a quick power nap before going out again to the Rose and Crown. Had a bite to eat and far far too much to drink. I also got a massive wedgy from the Super Manschaft guys - those pesky kids! We played a couple of rounds of a drinking game called "Kings" and "Johnny, Noddy, Timmy" which was very amusing and considerably confused the locals (i'll put up the pictures when I get back).

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