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Saturday, December 30, 2006 

WUCC Update 4

A regular feature at big tournaments is a "Trade Night" where you get the opportunity to exchange some of your old shirts for some exotic items from willing parties. I managed to barter for a beautiful Singapore Ultimate shirt and a delightful Tasmanian shirt with Casper the Ghost on it! Obviously, there are going to be winners and losers, with good and bad trades knockin about. The loser on this particular night was definitely Graham "Nimble" Wilson who managed to come away with a Durham Northern Lights shirt!? But he did start off with Random Fling stuff...

Another memorable event was the Closing Party. Not having to worry about playing anymore games for a while or getting up early the next morning the whole team went for it, up until 5 un the morning. We spent most of the time, variously and in combination;
  • shouting,
  • drinking,
  • high fiving,
  • dancing,
  • laughing,
  • conga-ing,
  • drinking,
  • carrying Chinese men(!?),
  • and chanting.
Actually, chanting was the main thing that we did. Be it in Chinese with the Masters Champions ("I have absolutely no idea but meant every word"), on the bus back into Perth against the locals ("Barmy-army!"), or round town when we couldn't find the after party venue ("we don't know where we're going!") and my favourite, cos I invented it, the call and response of;

"East Mid" "Lands Open!"

I still have a sore throat.

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