I had an interview t'other week with Tube Lines, lasted 3 hours but it was well worth it. They have offered me the job of Human Factors Engineer - woot! :D I start in late November, after I get back from Australia, which gives me time to make the move down to London.
The company is based on the Isle of Dogs (Canary Wharf), an area best described as tall, and everyone wears suits. Proper ones too, not shell suits as is the custom dress in Liverpool.
I reckon I should get some business cards made. I like these ones which are made from the photos in your flickr gallery. Which reminds me to tell you I have one now, which can be found here, and the side bar (over there -->) shows the most recently added photos :)
In other tube related news I hope to visit the Tate Modern and slide down the new installation in the Turbine Hall. The designer believes that slides have a place in modern transport solutions, maybe I can suggest this in my new job. Certainly looks fun, until someone wees on them, as they do in Liverpool.
So there you have it, looks like I am going to spend the next few years wrapped up in ties. Thankfully I have a rather gorgeous selection:
The company is based on the Isle of Dogs (Canary Wharf), an area best described as tall, and everyone wears suits. Proper ones too, not shell suits as is the custom dress in Liverpool.
I reckon I should get some business cards made. I like these ones which are made from the photos in your flickr gallery. Which reminds me to tell you I have one now, which can be found here, and the side bar (over there -->) shows the most recently added photos :)
In other tube related news I hope to visit the Tate Modern and slide down the new installation in the Turbine Hall. The designer believes that slides have a place in modern transport solutions, maybe I can suggest this in my new job. Certainly looks fun, until someone wees on them, as they do in Liverpool.
So there you have it, looks like I am going to spend the next few years wrapped up in ties. Thankfully I have a rather gorgeous selection: